The Rovigo Campus

The town of Rovigo lies 40km north of Ferrara, in the heart of the region of the Po river and is caressed by a sea breeze coming from its river delta.

The Law Department’s campus is conveniently located near the town centre, next to the railway station. In 2019 the campus will move to the renovated Palazzo Angeli, a beautiful historic building in the heart of the city centre.

The town is first mentioned in the 9th Century. In 1194 the Este family of Ferrara came into power until 1482, when the area fell under the control of Venice. The streets tell of a city that was enriched with monuments and buildings during medieval times: the Donà Tower, the emblem of the city, and the Mozza tower, the remains of the ancient medieval fortress stand out.

Those coming to Rovigo by plane may consider either the Venice or the Bologna airport.

Rovigo lies on the Bologna-Venezia railway line: less than 20 minutes from Ferrara.

It takes about one hour to reach the city from the station of Venezia Mestre.

Roughly the same time is needed to reach Rovigo from the station of Bologna.