Summer school - Edizione 2016


Doctoral Schools
Diritto dell’Unione Europea e ordinamenti nazionali (University of Ferrara in Rovigo)
Diritto internazionale e privato e del lavoro (University of Padova)


Summer School on international labour and business law 2016
First edition

The Summer School on international labour and business law took place according to schedule from Monday the 5th to Wednesday the 14th of September at the Residenza San Marco in Monteortone, Abano Terme (Pd).

Four guest professors participated: Janice Bellace (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania US); Ferran Camas Roda (Universidad Gerona SP); Barbara Kresal (University of Ljubljana SL); Brian Langille (University of Toronto CA). Two tutores, professors Barbara De Mozzi (Università di Padova) and Silvia Borelli (Università di Ferrara) and, as coordinator, doctor Stefania Buoso (Universitá di Ferrara). Professor Adriana Topo and professor Gian Giudo Balandi, who promoted the initiative, took part in numerous sessions and discussions.

Eighteen “students” took part: 16 PhD students; a temporary research fellow and a post-doc. There had been 29 applications for the 20 available places, however, after the selection had been done, two members had to pull out without the possibility of substitutions. The eighteen participants came from the universities of Padova, Milano, Bari, Napoli, Udine, Trento, Verona, Venezia, and four non-Italian universities: Bordeaux (Fr), Fortaleza (Br) and a Colombian student who received a PhD from the Pompeu Fabra in Barcellona (Sp).

The work timetable contained two lectures form each guest professor on the hereby themes:
- The problem – General theme: how we think about labour law, and, as a result, the multinational
enterprise’s role. // A way out. How can we liberate our thinking about labour law to allow effective application of the real values and purposes at stake? (Langille).
- Multinational enterprises faced with global migratory movements: facilitation or obstruction of
international labour mobility? // Multinational enterprises and the promotion of decent employment inspired by the International Labour Organization: special attention to the access to employment, training andworking conditions (Camas Roda).
- Labour clauses in free trade agreements. // CSR, corporate codes of conduct, and supplier responsibilities (Bellace).
- Workers as one of the stakeholders of the MEs: human rights perspective on labour relations. //
Transnational collective agreements: parties, content, enforcement (Kresal).

What followed was the presentation of the “students” research projects and the discussion of the themes proposed in the lectures and on the previously released material, in four study groups (human rights and labour law; transnational collective agreements; corporate social responsibility; labour mobility in multinational enterprises). On the last day the groups presented the results of their work.
At the end of the ten days a questionnaire was given to the participants: a summary of the results can be seen on the website below: there it is possible to appreciate how a considerable level of satisfaction emerged for all aspects –scientific and organisational- of the experience. Similarly, through informal conversations at the end of the seminar, the foreign colleagues expressed full satisfaction for the initiative.
The attendance proclamation, the timetable and a summary of the “student” questionnaire are available on the website of the Department of Law of Unife: ricerca/summer-school .

All the materials in electronic format are contained in a DRIVE file: whoever amongst the members of the scientific committee and amongst the colleagues of the college of the PhD promoters is interested in viewing it can ask for the file to be shared by Doc. Stefania Buoso (

Ferrara-Padova, October 12th 2016.
Adriana Topo
Gian Guido Balandi